By looking at the plan that they publish out in the newspaper star 20 Aug 2011, it is really a poor design that will not solved anything efficiently, let talk about the pros and cons.
1. we have one more lane to use.
1. RM2 million spend
2. drivers cannot see the clear road view after the bridge, thus traffic will be slow.
3. drivers might knock down the bridge, this poses danger to other road user.
4. Heavy container trailers will knock down the bridge, who know how big those trailers one day might be?
5. prone to accidents at that location.
6. Lame engineering, is this the best our engineers can do?
7. future expansion will even cost more, adding inflation from today 2011.
I would advise CM to remove the bridge entirely, since the usage there is very low and I do not see why the people want to cross that bridge.
With the RM2 mil spend, better to do it right from the start.
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