Friday, December 3, 2021

2021 Alpaka bag


2021Niid bag (cache sling)


Manage to get thus niid bag from Kickstart and this is one of the best bag I ever use. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

 MY X-T2 with meike battery grip, got is from shopee and the first order supplier bailed on me, cancelled my orders, due to no stock, or they priced too low. Well, add another rm10 get from another seller, goods arrived well packed and tested all works well.

 manage to get this clip, very similar to PD, but way way more cheaper and build very nice, just that the screw for the tripod mount could be better, what will you say, those kind that can still turn when you screw in all the way.....hmm. those free running when you screw till the end type...well anyway, this one is a good one to have. Work good with the PD bags.

PD wannabe bag

 despair between the real vs fake, PD is the name, for us around this region where the exchange rate at 4.0 to USD, it's not wise to have the real PD, although very tempted, for now this one will serve me for a while.

not a PD everyday sling, but still can sling. lol.

2021 Fujifilm X-T2


At first was fond of the design then makes me want to get this camera, to my surprise, the performance really outweigh many cameras out there.

Fujifilm XF 18-55 R WR OIS F2.8-4


This is first lens for the new Fujifilm Xt2 camera, very nice lens, light weigh and performs well.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Nikon 24-70 2.8 ED

 So the time has come for me to be rich enough to get this lens. Thank God , finally i had these and will be with be for a long long time. This is a used sharp copy. cosmetically it's say 9/10.