Sunday, February 26, 2017

The battle of Mobile OS have begun

At first there is IOS, then we have Andriod, now we have all sort like Bill's win8 which now user find them s problem as all this apps normally need $$$. This will be the fall for windows 8 soon, this is also partly due to non open source OS to begin with. So good luck for those with windows 8 to upgrade your hardware. Then the newly release blackberry OS also a non open source OS to me mentioned. Now lately 3 major open source company announce the release of mobile OS for takers, that is Firefox OS , Firefox is the major player in web browser for PC. Winch I currently in love with, we'll there are major setback at some version, but each time it gets better. Also not to mentioned Ubuntu OS and TIZEN OS jointly develop by Samsung and intel for mobile operating system which the experts says would be a possible threats to Andriod. Well see about that, not forgetting Symbian, meego which is now called sailfish OS and WEBOS which is spear headed by HP and fail to penetrate the market in a spectacular manner. So to list down just a bit, see. Below as follow

1. iOS
2. Andriod
3. Win8
4. Firefox OS
5. Ubuntu OS
7. Symbian
9. Blackberry OS
10. Sailfish OS
11. Bada OS
12.Cynogen OS -2017 - OnePlus
13.OxygenOS - OnePlus

So here we talking about just the OS not the entire ecosystem which include cloud and auto synchronization like the iOS. I order to make the OS successfully developer would need to incorporate more or better Eco system. Or produce more innovative ideas that make user have a better experience is using the smartphone.

Other hardware like the wifi chip and system memory access and read/ write delays have to be improve or need to fine tune the OS to work efficiently and effectively with the hardware, not to also mention stability and robustness of the OS working with the hardwares.

I would predicts that the future of the company that have a mobile OS as its intellectual properties will see a brighter future.

Feel free to chip in which OS is not listed here, thanks