Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Taiping Zoo

First time ever visited this zoo, located at Taiping, Malaysia. I will update more later....time for movies. now

Friday, November 1, 2013

Toy car for babies

Impressively china made toy cars for babies, pretty much details can be observed, but the robustness is so so. It will not last long for them. Parts and pieces with come off pretty soon. In fact as I write this it's already happening.

2013 THOR - the dark world

This is a must watch for  2013 November, after a dry spell of non blockbuster movie for few month over here in Malaysia.

Manage to get this wonderful key chain, and surprising still is available for just a mare of RM2.00 purchase with purchase. 

Go get them while stock runs out , it is pretty nice and perhaps it can later be a auctionsble items in eBay !!!!!

Shoe pad repair

A glue and a shoe pad makes the day